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What Do Girls Find Attractive About You?

by Tori Highley

What Do Girls Find Attractive About You Cover

Unsplash by Roberto Nickson

Looking for love, and not sure if anyone is looking back? Well, I promise, they are. You just have to know what they are looking at! Do girls see you as a confident smooth talker, or a good-looking AND wholesome date? Once you know what girls are attracted to in you, your flirting will reach new levels! Are you ready for some exclusive advice? Take this quiz!

1: What’s your favorite activity in the park?

Favorite Activity

Unsplash by Brianne@beezneez

2: Quick! You just spilled a drink on your date’s dress at the park! What do you do (after apologizing)?

Spilled Drink

Unsplash by Pablo Merchán Montes@pablomerchanm

3: You had a bad day at work, but this girl wants to go out tonight to a movie you aren’t that interested in. What do you say to her?

Movie Night

Unsplash by Erik Witsoe@ewitsoe

4: What communication medium do you work best in?


Unsplash by Eddy Billard@eddybllrd

5: A day at the beach or a day at the bookstore: which sounds more fun?

Fun Time

Unsplash by Victor Freitas@victorfreitas

6: Ice-breaker question: where would you travel to right now if money wasn’t an issue?


Unsplash by Ananya Bilimale@highwaypatrol_x

7: Which of these people are you more likely to quote?

Barack Obama

Wiki Commons by Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

8: What item do you lose most often?

House Keys

Unsplash by Maria Ziegler@schluesseldienstvergleich_eu

9: Humor me: what’s your favorite flower?


Unsplash by Soulseeker - Creative Photography@soulseekerphoto

10: Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Trek: Renegades

Atomic Studios, Skyway Productions, ST Renegades

11: What would you study if you went back to school?

Science and Engineering

Unsplash by ThisisEngineering RAEng@thisisengineering

12: Hot summer day or snowy winter night?

Winter NIght

Unsplash by Go to Robson Hatsukami Morgan's profile Robson Hatsukami Morgan@robsonhmorgan

13: What do you look for first when you meet a cute girl?

Cute Girl

Unsplash by Artur Tumasjan@arturtumasjan

14: Which of these books are you most likely to pick up?

Reading Book

Unsplash by Chris Benson@lordmaui

15: Oh no, you forgot you had a date .. and it was supposed to be yesterday. How do you apologize?

Talking on Phone

Unsplash by Hassan OUAJBIR@hazardos

16: Which weekend trip with your friends sounds like the best time?


Unsplash by Austin Neill@arstyy

17: What kind of games do you prefer?

Strategy Games

Unsplash by JESHOOTS.COM@jeshoots

18: Do you shower in the morning or the evening?


Unsplash by John Fornander@johnfo

19: What kind of workout do you prefer?


Unsplash by Go to asoggetti's profileasoggetti@asoggetti

20: What radio station is playing in your car?


Unsplash by David Tran@trandavid

Dazzling Intellect

Dazzling Intellect

Unsplash by Austin Distel@austindistel

Women are attracted to you for your dazzling intellect; they love that they can have a deep discussion with you. In the dating world, it’s not too often that women meet someone who can attack mental and intellectual challenges with ease. Just remember, your brain power is your most attractive asset in the dating world, and if you can think quickly while flirting, you’ll be able to show just how smart you really are.

Humble Confidence

Humble Confidence

Unsplash by Jeff Tumale@jeff_tumale

You can really take charge of a room, and no one will notice that you are doing it. That’s because while you are both confident and competent, you are also great at knowing the strengths of other people. While you know you are capable of great things, you also know everyone else is too. In the dating world, this means you bolster the people you meet, and you make them feel great about themselves. Remember to stay a little humble while you flirt, and you’ll be as good as gold to girls.

Daring Sense of Adventure

Daring Sense of Adventure

Unsplash by Omer Salom@osalom

You rarely pass up an adventure, especially the risky ones, and girls adore that about you. They also love that every date with you is an experience they’ll never forget. You are great at seeking out savory moments, and you are a ton of fun to be around. Whether or not flirting is a strength of yours, you really shine when actually on a date. Have fun!

Sexy Sense of Humor

Sexy Sense of Humor

Unsplash by Jonathan Borba@jonathanborba

Your spirit is light-hearted, and your sense of humor is a shining quality in your personality. This is great for your dating game, as most women find a good sense of humor more important that looks or ambition. Keep your dates laughing, and they’ll find themselves falling for you as quickly as they fall out of their chair after a really good joke of yours.

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