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Can You Cause Some Damage On This Collateral Quiz?

by Donovan Darling

Can You Cause Some Damage On This Collateral Quiz Cover

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

You're going about your every day life, then boom! You meet someone who changes it. Collateral has cars, guns and suspense! How well do you remember this film?

1: Who is the cab driver?

Cab driver

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max, who is played by Jamie Foxx, is a cab driver in downtown L.A. Little does he know his life is about to change when he picks up an assassin.

2: What is Max's dream career?

Max's dream career

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max daydreams while driving people in his cab about owning a limo business so fun that people wouldn't want to leave once they reached their destination.

3: Who does Max pick up and drop off at the airport?

Max pick up

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max picks up Annie,who is a big time lawyer in the city, and has a pleasant conversation with her about their future dreams.

4: What is the first shocking thing that happens in the movie?

Happens in the movie

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

When Max waits for Vincent to come back to the cab, a man falls on his windshield. Max freaks out and tries to give his cab to Vincent and escape the situation.

5: What happens when Max gets pulled over?

Max gets pulled over

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max and Vincent were asked to get out of the cab and open the trunk, which contained a body. Luckily, the cops got a an urgent call for a shooting and needed to leave right away.

6: Who tries to take advantage of Max being tied up to the cab’s steering wheel?

Max being tied up

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Two robbers try to take advantage of Max as he is tied up to the steering wheel of his own cab. Vincent shoots them both when he finds out what his happening.

7: Who is the main detective in the movie?

Main detective

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Fanning is the main detective tracking down Vincent.

8: Which type of club does Vincent bring Max to?

Vincent bring Max to

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Vincent takes Max to a Jazz club to meet Daniel, the owner and performer in the club.

9: Who does Max visit every night?

Max visit every night

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max visits his Mom in the hospital every night. Vincent buys Max's Mom flowers, which she criticizes until she finds out Vincent bought them for her.

10: What is Vincent's shooting pattern?

Vincent's shooting pattern

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Vincent uses the classic assassin shooting pattern to eliminate his targets: 2 in the chest and 1 in the head.

11: How long has Max been driving a cab?

Max been driving a cab

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max convinces everyone who asks that he is only driving a cab temporarily, even though he has been driving for 12 years.

12: Who is Felix?


Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max impersonates Vincent when he enters a night club to meet up with Felix, who is a dangerous drug lord.

13: Who do the cops believe is Vincent?


Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

The police think Max is Vincent because he introduced himself as Vincent

14: Who shoots detective Fanning?

Detective Fanning

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Vincent shoots detective Fanning in front of the night club when he tries to get Max out. He also kills another handful of cops and civilians as he tries to escape arrest.

15: Why does Max overpower the cop trying to arrest him?

Max overpower

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max sees there is a hit out on Annie on the computer Vincent left in the cab. He quickly flips the cop trying to arrest him and handcuffs him to the turned over cab.

16: Where does Vincent die?

Vincent die

Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks Pictures

Max and Vincent have a shoot out on a city train. Max's eyes were closed during the shooting, but he lucked out by shooting Vincent in the chest and not dying himself.
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